

HTTP has no session mechanisim

The ways to follow sessions:

Use cookies

URL rewriting
    This way supports browsers that disable cookies.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) session

In Java programs, the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface is used to create sessions.

How to get a session object
        Returns the current session.
        If there is no current session, it creates a new one.
    HttpServletRequest#getSession(boolean create)
        Returns the current session.
        If there is no current session and create is true, it creates a new one.
        If create is false, a new session cannot be created.

Session attributes
    HttpSession#setAttribute(String name, Object value)
    Binds an object to this session.
    HttpSession#getAttribute(String name)
    Gets the object bound in this session.
    HttpSession#getAttributeNames() returns an Enumeration type object.

Session time out
    HttpSession#setMaxInactiveInterval(int interval)
    Specifies the time out value in seconds.
    A negative value means no time out.
    In the web.xml, specify the time out value in minutes.
A negative value or 0 means no time out.

Destroying session objects
Invoke HttpSession#invalidate
All objects bound in this session will be destroyed.

When a session is created or destroyed, these events are notified to the classes that implement this listener.

HttpSession objects are not thread safe.